Luxury Lodges in Herefordshire

Our Story

About Us

Luxury lodges in Herefordshire

Bettws Court Retreats is situated on Bettws Court Farm which was purchased by the Pursey family in 1974. It is a 123-acre farm based on the top of Orcop Hill with steep topography, lending itself perfectly for stunning views, and viable only for livestock farming. The farm is run alongside Trevase Farm. The beef cows are housed in the buildings below the lodges from October to April only coming back to Trevase for a short period of time in March and April to calve. Once the weather has improved the cows and calves graze the fields surrounding the lodges all summer and sheep are also bought up in the Autumn to tidy the grass ready for the winter.

The location and mesmerising views have always been admired and the idea of holiday accommodation has always been in the back of Sarah (and Liz) Pursey’s mind (especially with their experience of running self-catering holiday accommodation: Trevase Cottages and Old Barn House. Sarah returned from working in London in 2017 and decided she wanted to pursue her desire to building luxury accommodation at Bettws Court Farm. After much research and work, planning permission was submitted in February 2019. The whole project has been managed by Sarah through to its completion and launch in 2022. An incredible amount of work has gone into creating the indulgent accommodation you see today.

Sarah Pursey

Sarah grew up at Trevase Farm and has always taken an active part in helping her parents (Liz and Roger) on the farm and with the holiday accommodation business. Sarah lived and worked in London for nearly 5 years, in a sales role, and moved back in 2017. It was then that she decided to follow her dream of building quality holiday accommodation at Bettws Court Farm so guests can admire the phenomenal view.

Liz Pursey

Liz, Sarah’s mother, was brought up on a family farm in Gloucester. After training and, while working as a farm secretary, married Roger and moved into his family farmhouse at Trevase. Together, they ran the farm (Trevase Farm and Bettws Court Farm) and brought up three children. Liz has had much experience with building projects and has helped Sarah with everything from ideas to running errands throughout the project build.

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